Kamis, 04 November 2021

social media for teens

 Is Social Media Good for Teens

(Issue, support,contrast, conclusion)

Social Media is a place where everyone can easily communicate with others through digital applications. Peope can interact by photos, videos, words and etc. This thing has been very well-known by teens. Some of them even has played it since they were very little. But the older they grow with social media, more advantages and disadvantages come face them. Not often some of the adults questioning the function of social media for teens. They believe social media only bring addiction and bad influence for teens. But we deny it. We believe social media is not only full of negativity but also come with some positivities.

First, social media was designed to connect. It offers kids and teens another opportunity for connecting with their friends and therefore for fulfilling their social needs. Secondly, it serves as an educational tool. Think about it: there are hundreds if not thousands of Instagram accounts dedicated to showcasing the beauties of the world. If other kids and teens today are anything like my little brother, these accounts fill their feeds.

Additionally, social media serves as a form of creative expression. When I was a teen, Myspace was all the rage. My friends and I would spend hours editing our profiles—changing our layouts, our backgrounds, our profile pictures, our bios—which channeled our creative juices and even taught us how to code websites in the process. Today, Myspace isn’t so popular, as it’s been pushed out of the spotlight by Instagram and Snapchat. But still, today’s teens use these social media platforms to express themselves and put their personalities on display.

All of that said, social media can be dangerous for teens too. It can lead to anxiety, assist in cyberbullying, and play a part in influencing bad behavior, as explained by Mendez: “Social media can have some very negative effects too. It can cause kids to feel anxious when they see social media influencers doing things that they are not able to do. It is also easy for kids and teens to bully one another on social media. Many of the apps that young people use are photo-based, which opens up a lot of opportunity for negative comments. Other kids may encourage dangerous or abusive behavior, such as what was seen in the Tide Pod challenges.”


Oftentimes, teens are sensitive. Their brains are still developing, and their mental/emotional health is vulnerable; just one cruel comment left on an Instagram picture can send them into a negative tailspin. They’re at a heightened risk of experiencing anxiety and depression as a result of this form of bullying, or as a result of FOMO: the fear of missing out. When teens see other people on social media doing things they want to do but aren’t or can’t, their mental health can suffer. Finally, kids and teens are extremely impressionable, and social media may inspire them to engage in troublesome behavior. Mendez refers to the Tide Pod challenge as an example, in which kids posted videos of themselves ingesting liquid laundry detergent pods.


As with most anything else, the key here is finding the proper balance and understanding what healthy social media use looks like. Teens who log on to Instagram and Snapchat here and there, likely don’t have to worry about their habits. Those who spend a copious amount of time on their phone or computer, however, might want to dial it back. In any case, teens can take care of their mental health and spend time on social media by considering the following:


1) How do I feel after scrolling through Instagram or Facebook? If you only experience positive feelings, then everything is probably A-okay. If, on the other hand, you experience FOMO, anxious or depressive thoughts or feelings, or any other negative emotions, then it might be worth reevaluating their social media habits.


2) Do I still spend time interacting and connecting with people offline? If social media is your primary means of socializing and connecting with others, this might signify a problem. You should strive to maintain positive interpersonal relationships with your loved ones in life outside of the digital world. If you need help tuning back in to reality, start monitoring how much time you spend on social media and consider cutting back.


Therefore we believe  the social media isn't only fill with negativity, but also there are some advantages comes with it. Teens only need to find the proper balance to keep maintaining the goods of using social media.


Kamis, 15 Oktober 2020



    This film tells the story of Nico, a man from Spain who wants to visit his aunt, namely Yara in Germany. However, his journey was long, because from the beginning he came to Germany, his bag was carried by an unknown person. where in the bag there is a cellphone, passport, and aunty Yara's address. Also Nico, who is not fluent in German, makes this trip even more exciting.

    With the help of Lisa, a woman who met her at the airport, Lisa's friends and Lisa's papa were found Nico's bag. Starting with Nico who went to Lisa's place, then joined her friend Lisa's farewell party. After that he went to Lisa's friend's cafe, and was invited to play football which injured him. At the cafe, he met Inge, who provided him with a place to live for a while until he met Yara.

    Until one day, Selma Lisa’s friend, found the bag on the side of the road and immediately gave it to Nico who was at the Yara bike shop. But unfortunately, one of Nico's clothes was taken by an unknown person. Selma asked Nico to buy some clothes and jackets.

    The next day Nico keeps his promise to play soccer, but unfortunately he gets injured which causes him to go to the hospital and use a cane to walk. But he didn't give up and continued to visit the Yara bike shop with the help of his friend and his cane. Until one time when Yara came to his bicycle shop and finally Nico met Yara.

    The message of this film is, don't be careless with our own things. don't give up easily and do something with high spirits. Don't be afraid to ask people for help and don't be afraid to try something new.

Minggu, 26 Juli 2020


Lirik Lagu STRAY KIDS – GO LIVE Terjemahan

Sharn : ow, hai jane!
Jane   : heyyow sha! 
Sharn : Jane, have you seen the straykids comeback album review?
Jane   : Ooh that comeback album, yeah I've seen the review on YouTube. Have you seen it?
Sharn : Yup I've seen it too, what do you think about it?
Jane   : In my opinion it's very good and fulfills my expectations, because the concept is very different from before the photo concept is very cool. And they grow up very fast
Sharn : Aah I agree with that, the photos are very riveting, making them look more handsome and mature
Jane   : Oh ya, what is your favorite song in this new album?
Sharn : My favorite song is easy, because according to me the lyrics are telling us to do what we think is easy and never listen to what other people say as long as we do it good. And you, what is your favorite song in this album?
Jane   : Go Live is my favorite song, because the song tells us to go ahead chasing everything quickly but surely, it shouldn't be too late because it will torture. 
Sharn : Ooh yeah i like it too, Thanks Jane for sharing your opinion about this new album. See you again!
Jane   : Yeah no problem, see you!

Minggu, 19 Juli 2020


Han: What should we have for lunch?

Dinda: We could try the new sushi at the Sushi Bar.

Han: I don’t feel like eating sushi.

Dinda: How about we order ramen instead?

Han: That sounds delicious.

Dinda: All right then, ramen is it.

Han: Please make mine spicy.

Dinda: Okay.

Minggu, 26 Januari 2020

The Prince and The Snake

The kingdom of Vijaygarh had a wise and kind King. People were happy. But the King himself was sad and worried. A devilish snake had entered his son’s body. Neither medicine nor magic worked to cure his son.

When the Prince grew up, he thought, “It is because of me that my father worried." And one day, he left the palace. Wandering, he came to another kingdom. He found a desolate temple and started living there. He begged for food.

The King of that kingdom was cruel. But he had a kind and beautiful daughter. The King was unhappy with his daughter. That girl was always ridiculing her father’s hard work. The King thought, “She is always talking to me low of my hard work. I must marry her to a beggar. Then she will know what hard work is."
Hasil gambar untuk the prince and the snake
So, when the beggar Prince came to beg for food in the Palace, the cruel King forced him to marry his daughter. The Prince and his new bride started for the desolate temple. On their way, they stopped to take rest. The Princess went around in search of food, while her husband went to sleep.

When the Princess came back, she was shocked to see a snake sitting on her husband’s mouth. On a mount nearby sat another snake. They were talking among themselves. “Why do not you leave the body of the Prince? He is so kind and gentle," said the snake sitting on the mound. “You too are evil! You attack passers-by. You should not be telling me what to do," replied the snake sitting on the mouth of the Prince.

The Princess killed both the snakes with all her courage. When her husband woke up, she told him about the two snakes. The Prince was happy. Then he told her who he really was. They set off to the Prince’s palace. The King was delighted to see his son. When the King learned that the devilish snake was killed, his joy knew no bounds. The Prince and the Princess lived happily for a long time. After few years, the Kingdom celebrated the day on which the Royal couple gave birth to twins of one boy and one girl.

Minggu, 12 Januari 2020

Last Holiday

Hai guys...!
Welcome back to my blog. So today I will tell you about my last holiday.

Hasil gambar untuk hotel del luna posterLast holiday I did'nt go far away because my parents were busy. So I just stay at home and spend my holidays watching youtube and viu. I watch korean drama 'Hotel del Luna', The drama tells the story of a man who can see and interact with ghosts because of his parental agreement with the gods. Because of that agreement he had to work as a manager at a ghost hotel, and finally he fell in love with the ghost of the hotel owner. But his love cannot last long because the hotel owner must leave the world and go to the afterlife after being trapped for centuries in the world because of his past mistakes. 

New Journey to the West Season 6.jpgAfter the drama I watched was finished, I continued watching New Journey to the West season 7. In season 7 New Journey to the West cast travel around South Korean and wear a funny costume, such as olaf and santa claus. They play a lot of games for profit, for example dinner or just clue for the next game or the advantage of getting an easy costume. They are very funny in playing the costumes, they can make the audience laugh because of his behavior or jokes. 

After bored watching usually I will open social media to find out the latest updates about, or just say hello with friends and ask them about their vacation. I really want to go on a vacation far away like the others, but because my parents are busy, I can't be selfish because I want a long holiday together

On the last day of holiday my family and I went to the swimming pool. In the swimming pool my father and little sister swam while my mother and I ate at the restaurant because I couldn't swim that day. Soo that's my holiday, see u later!

Minggu, 17 November 2019


Deciding When and Where to have a Birthday Party:
1. Choose a date for the Birthday Party
2. Select a time for the party
3. Decide on a budget for the party
4. Consider where to have the party

Planning Out the Party Details:
1. Decide if the party should have a theme
2. Purchase and send out invitations
3. Create a plan for the food and beverage
4. Know your obligations for providing the food and drinks
5. Gather decorations for the party
6. Choose entertainment options for the birthday party 
7. Choose what dessert will be
8. Create a back up plan in case of weather, especially if the party is outside 

Getting Ready for the Party:
1. Arrange your organized help to assist you to setting up the party on the day of
2. Have a plan for keeping the food hot or cold, depending on what it needs
3. Notify your guests if you have to move the party to the back up location
4. Be prepared for mishaps, because they will happen

Detailed Information: 
1. Time: June 27th 2020 my birthday
2. Place: Hilton Hotel
3. Dresscode: pastel dress
4. Note: don't forget to bring invitation card 

Hasil gambar untuk birthday party event plan

Hasil gambar untuk birthday party event plan


social media for teens

  Is Social Media Good for Teens (Issue, support,contrast, conclusion) Social Media is a place where everyone can easily communicate with ot...